- Apr 09, 2021
Gabriela Bittencourt authored
Core documentation (inside pd-l2ork/doc/...) should be ranked before external libraries. Add a multiplier to increase the score of files inside that folder.
Gabriela Bittencourt authored
Chosen priority: title > keywords > description. The chosen weights (boost parameters) were chosen arbitrarily based on manual iterations and could be improved. Word expansion was enabled in title and keywords fields to allow matching of parts of a word.
- Sep 19, 2020
Albert Gräf authored
This uses findAndReplaceDOMText(), which apparently looks for case-sensitive matches, but the search text entered by the user is *always* converted to lowercase. This means that mixed case search terms just won't be found, which is bad. (E.g., try searching for "GEM" in the toc to see this bug in action.) Fixed by just removing the call to toLowerCase() on the search text, case-sensitive searches now work as expected, problem solved.
Albert Gräf authored
This resolves a long-standing bug (the relevant code is 4-5 years old). While it is just one little missing check in the keyboard event handler, which is surely just an oversight, this has the dire consequence of breaking navigation with the Tab key. - The root cause for this issue is in the document.body event listener callback, where we always reset the focus to the search text input if there's *any* keyboard input (other than a LF or CR on the file browser and bookmark buttons) while the focus is on something else (such as an item in the toc or in the search results). The intention there surely was to enable the user to just start typing *anywhere* in the dialog, which is convenient, but has the unwanted side-effect of breaking Tab navigation (as well as the cursor keys). - The fix is simply to *not* reset the focus if the key event is the Tab key. Besides Tab, we also treat the modifier and cursor keys in the same fashion, so that these will be handled on the spot rather than being forwarded to the search text input. By these means, you can still start typing your search terms from anywhere in the dialog, but navigation with Tab and Shift+Tab and the cursor keys now also work as expected. - Also, why is the div holding the toc items created again and again for each item in display_toc()? I moved the corresponding statement, div = document.createElement("div"), right before the toc.forEach() loop now, which I think is where it really belongs.
- Sep 18, 2020
Albert Gräf authored
Disable the bookmark icon in situations where bookmarking isn't possible (search results, doc directory).
Albert Gräf authored
- Use canonical paths just about everywhere in the help browser. We want to stick to portable, normalized paths as much as possible, to avoid funky Windows path names, especially in bookmark files which should be portable across different platforms. - Fix the generated click_toc() call in display_toc(); we need to properly stringify the callback argument there. - Update the search field after opening a directory via the file browser, so that the search text matches the directory display. Is there a reason that we're not already doing this? I don't think so, because we're doing the same when clicking a link in the toc. - Prevent the doc directory from being bookmarked. There's nothing interesting to see there anyway (just subdirectories, no help patches). Also, since the toc lives there (in a virtual sense, i.e., the current browser directory is set to this directory whenever the toc is displayed), we also avoid an interesting race condition which arises if we try to update the toc while we're displaying it. (This doesn't seem to happen on all platforms, but I've seen it on the Mac at least.) - Fix a purely cosmetic issue with the bookmark entries. (Entries with a null description were stored as is and then written to the bookmarks file. Now the description is just omitted in that case.)
- Sep 17, 2020
Albert Gräf authored
This takes the form of a little bookmark icon to the right of the file browser icon. Just the plain icon indicates that the current directory hasn't been bookmarked yet, and that clicking on it will bookmark it. If you do this, a little red cross appears on the icon, which reminds you that the directory has been bookmarked, and that clicking on the icon will remove the bookmark again. Note that in general a directory may have been bookmarked multiple times, by using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-D). In this case the red cross will stick until the last instance of the bookmark has been removed. The icons come from the Manjaro KDE Breath theme (a variation of the KDE Breeze theme), and we also replaced the folder icon with a matching icon from the same theme. Thanks are due to the Manjaro and KDE teams! While we were at it, we also fixed the vertical alignment of the icons with respect to the search field, they are properly aligned to the middle now.
Albert Gräf authored
The Ctrl+D keyboard command in the help browser adds a bookmark for the current browser directory, Shift+Ctrl+D removes it again. Note that the same directory can be bookmarked multiple times (using Ctrl+D), in which case the same number of delete commands (Shift+Ctrl+D) are required to delete all instances of the bookmark again; at any time, the oldest instance will be removed first. This also provides a (really simplistic) way to reorder bookmarks, since you can re-add an existing bookmark and delete its older instance afterwards, which effectively moves the bookmark to the end of the bookmarks section. It goes without saying that this becomes rather laborious if you have to manage a lot of bookmarks, so in that case you might prefer to just edit the bookmarks file (see below) in your favorite text editor instead. Bookmarks are shown in their own "Bookmarks" section at the bottom of the toc, after the built-in toc sections. The "Bookmarks" section title will be visible only if there are any bookmarks. As with the built-in toc items, clicking on the title of a bookmark takes you to the corresponding directory, which may be in the doc or extra hierarchy, or anywhere else on your hard disk. If a <dir>-meta.pd file in pddp format is present in the bookmarked directory, the browser will try to extract title and description from the NAME and DESCRIPTION tags in that file, otherwise it simply uses the basename of the directory as title and leaves the description empty. The bookmarks are stored permanently on disk as a JSON file in the users home directory, named .purr-data/bookmarks.json on Linux and the Mac, and AppData/Roaming/Purr-Data/bookmarks.json on Windows. This file is read each time the help browser opens, so the bookmarks persist across program invocations, and you can even edit the file manually and reopen the help browser to make it pick up your changes while Purr Data keeps running.
- Sep 06, 2020
* Created new and hopefully improved dialogs that should work on all three OSs. These include improved margins, optimal sizes that account for OS-specific idiosyncrasies, use of non-native toplevel window titlebars that cause bunch of issues (e.g. ability to maximize a dialog window since nw.js, at least in the earlier versions, has spotty support for disabling those), fixed window sizes with minimal scrollbars where appropriate, proper spacing between items, better positioning of the checkbox and radio buttons, etc. * Enabled CTRL+W for the search dialog. * Improved and consistent find bar appearance on all windows (console, patch, search). * Refined activated box to match different zoom levels and font sizes. Small discrepancies still exist when using both custom fonts and zoom levels, but these are now no more than pixel off, whereas before it was all over the place. * Made sure that patch windows on all OSs are exactly the same size, even when using custom zoom levels and fonts. * Replaced the use of the legacy font menu with the native sub-menu and adjusted its behavior accordingly, including updating its values at patch open (the same method may prove useful in dealing with the undo/redo and other options not being registered properly because they may be running before the menu has been created). * Refined the scrollbar behavior by providing a grab cursor when hovering and clicking on them. Also added dynamic updates to scrollbar colors (normal, hover, and click). * Epic hack for making message boxes consistent size when activated. * Made redrect on a GOP subpatch appear and disappear intelligently when dealing with subpatches populated exclusively with scalars. For instance, creating an empty object does not create a redrect yet because the user may be instantiating another instance of a scalar (e.g. a pony). However, once a non-data object has been created that wants to be displayed on the parent window inside GOP of the subpatch it is a part of, it toggles on. Similarly, once every non-scalar object has been deleted, the redrect disappears. There is still a lingering question why would one want to do this, but hey, who am I to judge? * Fixed problem where a non-GOP text object got diagonal and y resize arrows that triggered consistency check. * Fixed consistency check where resizing a GOP on the parent window using bottom-right corner cursor hotspots, triggered an error when the subpatch is also open. Now, everything resizes as it should concurrently, regardless of whether this is done on the subpatch or the parent window. As a bonus, the properties window reflects changed values regardless how they are being changed. * Better iemgui number2 text offset across different font sizes and zoom levels. * I think that is about it, although I may have missed something...
- Jul 31, 2019
Albert Gräf authored
This reworks the file button in the help browser so that it opens the file browser on whatever directory we visited last (as given by the current_dir variable), or the doc directory by default.
- Mar 21, 2018
Albert Gräf authored
Help browser: Move the index construction into pdgui.js, so that it is only done once during startup.
Albert Gräf authored
Help browser: Construct the help index from all of lib/pd-l2ork, to make the keyword search more useful.
- Feb 04, 2017
Albert Gräf authored
- Jan 17, 2017
Jonathan Wilkes authored
- Nov 13, 2016
Albert Gräf authored
- Oct 24, 2016
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Add a check that a toc entry actually exists before adding it. Added DISIS and Gem entries back to the toc.
- Oct 23, 2016
Jonathan Wilkes authored
- Oct 22, 2016
Jonathan Wilkes authored
- Oct 21, 2016
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
- Oct 20, 2016
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
handle negative coordinates for pd META regex, add doc/* directory search trigger, various refactoring
- Oct 19, 2016
Jonathan Wilkes authored
change id to the document's full path-- this will make it easier to fetch specific documents from the index when displaying directory contents
Jonathan Wilkes authored
Jonathan Wilkes authored
- Jul 14, 2016
Albert Gräf authored
Albert Gräf authored
- May 13, 2016
Jonathan Wilkes authored